You can search by filter name or filter ID (i.e. the number that Jira automatically allocates to a saved filter). This operator can be used with the Assignee, Fix Version, Priority, Reporter, Resolution, and Status fields only. You can also search issues from the “Issues” section in the dropdown menu. These words need to be surrounded by quotation marks (single or double) if you wish to use them in queries. A null in assignee is selected by, and represented by, the word „unassigned” in the UI. Returns issues that have an SLA that is running according to the SLA calendar.

But if you want to tap into complex logic that is easily accessible, you’ll need functions. In this query the „is empty” statement tells JIRA to return only issues where the value of the assignee field is blank. The value -1d evaluates to 1 day behind the current date when the query is run. As a result, the above query will return all issues that do not have an assignee and haven’t been updated in the past day. The „in” keyword will include any item that matches any criteria in the list.

Custom field

Applications that aim for database portability should avoid using functions in this category. The cast target should name the Hibernate mapping type to use. Beyond the JPQL standardized functions, HQL makes jql does not contain some additional functions available regardless of the underlying database in use. Both HQL and JPQL define some standard functions that are available regardless of the underlying database in use.

  • When you click on “Advanced Search”, you’ll get a search bar with no pre-made filters.
  • Effective issue management relies on open and transparent communication.
  • The select statement in JPQL is exactly the same as for HQL except that JPQL requires a select_clause, whereas HQL does not.
  • The _ symbol matches any single character and % matches any number of characters.

These issues could be bugs in your code, feature requests, or tasks that need to be completed. In Java, you’d use exception handling to address these issues, ensuring your program runs smoothly. Similarly, in the world of project management and software development, Jira has its own way of handling issues through Jira Query Language (JQL). In the above query, Jira would return a list of issues sorted by assignee first, then sort by due date for all issues with the same assignee. With the above search, you’ll get a very specific view of high or urgent priority issues that were carried over from the last sprint. Or let’s say you needed to figure out if your project has scoping problems.

Consistent Filter Naming

During these retrospectives, gather feedback from team members, identify pain points, and discuss potential enhancements. Encourage open dialogue and collaboration to find solutions that work for your team. Projects are dynamic, and what works at one stage may need adjustments as the project progresses. Therefore, it’s vital to establish a culture of continuous improvement by regularly reviewing and refining your issue management processes.

This self-paced course will get you started with the most flexible and powerful way to search in Jira Software. For example, Jira supports a function called membersof() that you can use to see all the issues assigned to members of a group. Groups can be defined inside of Jira or come from existing groups in your company’s preexisting directory servers. Find issues whose summary or description contain any of the listed words in a test project. This field is only available if time tracking has been enabled by your Jira administrator, and can only support the CONTAINS operator („~”).

Generally speaking, AND will narrow your query and return fewer results, while using an OR broadens it and will return more results. This means that your function can (and probably will) be
called by two threads at the same time. To accommodate this, your function must be thread-safe or unexpected
behavior can result. This means that your function can (and probably will)
be called by two threads at the same time.

jql language

Search for issues that were created on, before, or after a particular date (or date range). In a clause, a field is followed by an operator, which in turn is followed by one or more values (or functions). The operator compares the value of the field with one or more values or functions on the right, such that only true results are retrieved by the clause. In this query the “is empty” statement only includes issues where the value of the assignee field is blank. As a result, the above query will return all issues that do not have an assignee that are at least one day old. If you are a Jira user or administrator, you’ve likely explored the search feature to find specific issues or lists of issues.

jql language

DISTINCT can also be used to filter out entity object references when fetching a child association along with the parent entities. Just as with explicit joins, implicit joins may reference association or component/embedded attributes. For further information about collection-valued association references, see Collection member references. If the attribute represents an entity association (non-collection) or a component/embedded, that reference can be further navigated. Basic values and collection-valued associations cannot be further navigated.